Netflix’s newest series, “Wednesday,” is a fresh and modern take on the iconic Addams Family. The show follows Wednesday Addams, played by Jenna Ortega, as she navigates high school and uncovers dark family secrets. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the show’s characters, plot, and overall appeal.
The Cast
Jenna Ortega
Jenna Ortega shines in the lead role of Wednesday Addams. She brings a perfect balance of brooding darkness and youthful energy to the character. Ortega’s portrayal of Wednesday’s complex emotions is captivating and compelling.
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Catherine Zeta-Jones is a standout in her role as Morticia Addams. She exudes grace and elegance while also embodying the family’s gothic sensibilities. Zeta-Jones masterfully portrays Morticia’s conflicting desire for status and her deep love for her family.
Luis Guzmán
Luis Guzmán plays Gomez Addams, the family patriarch, with infectious charm and humor. He brings a warmth and eccentricity to the character that makes him impossible not to love.
The Plot
The show’s plot revolves around Wednesday’s experience at Nevermore Academy, a school for peculiar children. While navigating the typical teenage struggles of love, friendship, and identity, she also attempts to uncover family secrets that threaten to tear the Addams family apart. The show’s blend of humor, mystery, and drama makes for a truly engaging viewing experience.
The Appeal
“Wednesday” will appeal to both fans of the original Addams Family and newcomers to the world. The show’s modern approach to the classic characters breathes new life into the story while also staying true to the gothic sensibilities that make the Addams Family so iconic. The show’s blend of mystery and humor keeps the viewer on their toes and invested in the characters.