Super Mario Bros Movie: An Animated Adventure by Nintendo
The Super Mario Bros. Movie is an upcoming animated film produced by Nintendo with a release date set for later this year. The movie is based on the famous video game franchise, Super Mario Bros., which has been enjoyed by gamers of all ages for several decades.
The Trailer
The final trailer for the movie has been released and it has already created a buzz among fans. The trailer is full of Easter eggs and references to various Nintendo games.
The Plot
The movie follows Mario and Luigi, two brothers who live in Brooklyn and work as plumbers. One day, they are transported to the Mushroom Kingdom, a fantasy land where they discover a plot by the evil King Koopa to merge the Mushroom Kingdom with the real world.
The brothers team up with Princess Peach, a resident of the Mushroom Kingdom, and embark on a mission to defeat King Koopa and save both worlds.
The Cast
The movie has an impressive voice cast with Chris Pratt voicing Mario, Charlie Day as Luigi, Anya Taylor-Joy as Princess Peach, Jack Black as Bowser, and Seth Rogen as Donkey Kong, to name a few.
What to Expect
The Super Mario Bros. Movie promises to be a fun-filled adventure that will appeal to fans of all ages. The movie combines elements from the video game franchise with a fresh and exciting storyline that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
If you are a fan of Super Mario Bros or just love a good animated adventure, then this movie is definitely worth checking out.