
China probes Micron Tech over US ally’s tech ban

How will the cybersecurity probe launched by China on Micron Tech affect their business operations in the United States?

China Probes Micron Technology over US Ally’s Tech Ban

China has launched a cybersecurity investigation into Micron Technology, one of America’s largest memory chip makers. The investigation is seen as a retaliation after Japan said it would restrict the export of advanced chip manufacturing equipment to countries including China. The move comes amidst escalating tensions between the US and China over trade, technology, and intellectual property rights.

Micron Technology is a US-based company that produces memory chips which are used in a variety of electronic devices including computers, smartphones, and servers. The company has a significant presence in China, with several of its factories and facilities located in the country. Micron Technology is also a major supplier of memory chips to Chinese tech firms such as Huawei, which has been targeted by the US government over national security concerns.

The cybersecurity probe launched by China appears to be related to the recent restrictions announced by Japan on the export of advanced chip manufacturing equipment. This move by Japan is aimed at preventing the transfer of sensitive technology to foreign countries, particularly China. Japan’s move is widely seen as a response to the US-China trade war and the growing tensions between the two countries over technology and intellectual property rights.

The Chinese government has not provided any details about the cybersecurity probe into Micron Technology. However, the move is seen as part of the Chinese government’s efforts to protect its national security and reduce its dependence on foreign technology. China is working on a range of policies and initiatives aimed at developing its own technology sector, including the Made in China 2025 plan which aims to localize high-tech industries.

The ongoing tensions between the US and China over trade, technology, and intellectual property rights are likely to continue for the foreseeable future. The US government has taken a series of measures against Chinese tech firms, including Huawei and ZTE, over national security concerns. China has responded with measures of its own, including the recent cybersecurity probe into Micron Technology.

In conclusion, the cybersecurity probe launched by China into Micron Technology is part of the escalating tensions between the US and China over trade, technology, and intellectual property rights. As China looks to reduce its dependence on foreign technology, the country is likely to continue to take measures aimed at protecting its national security and promoting the development of its own technology sector. The ongoing US-China trade war is likely to have significant implications for the global economy and the technology industry.

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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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