
Combination of coffee and olive oil causing diarrhea? Here’s why

Combination of coffee and olive oil causing diarrhea? Here’s why

As coffee lovers, we all know how eagerly we look forward to trying out the latest offerings by Starbucks. But, a recent addition to the coffee chain’s menu has been causing some concern amongst customers. Starbucks launched its Olive Oil Coffee Oleato line, and there have been reports of people experiencing stomach issues after consuming it.

After seeing many social media posts about the new drink allegedly causing diarrhea, we consulted GI experts to understand what might be behind it.

One theory suggested by experts is that the high fat content in the coffee could be the cause of the gastrointestinal discomfort. Palinski-Wade, a registered dietitian, explains that high-fat meals take longer to digest than liquid olive oil, which hits the digestive track faster. In case of the olive oil-infused coffee, the fat content could be causing the digestive system to work extra hard, resulting in diarrhea.

Other possible reasons could be individual sensitivity to specific ingredients or contamination. If the coffee isn’t prepared and handled with proper hygiene and quality control, it could lead to bacterial infections that cause diarrhea.

It’s essential to note that not everyone will experience the same symptoms after consuming the new Starbucks coffee. While some individuals may be sensitive to certain ingredients, especially those with existing gastrointestinal issues, others may not feel any side effects.

Ultimately, it’s crucial to listen to your body’s response to this coffee or any other food or beverage. If you experience any symptoms such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, or vomiting, it is best to avoid the particular item.

In conclusion, while Starbucks boasts an extensive menu with some unique options, it’s essential to consume any food or beverage with informed knowledge and moderation. If you have any concerns or questions, it’s best to consult a healthcare provider who can guide you accordingly.

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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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