Logan Roy, the patriarch of the Roy family in HBO’s hit drama series “Succession,” is known for his ruthless business tactics and unfaltering determination to stay on top. Season 3 of the show has only amplified these qualities, with Logan constantly reminding his team and family members that he is the one in charge and that his decisions are final.
In episode 2 of Season 3, Logan yells at his team when they question what move he’d like to make next. This scene perfectly encapsulates Logan’s character – he is unapologetically in control and will not tolerate anyone questioning him.
But why does Logan behave this way? It’s clear that he has a deep-rooted fear of losing his power and status. As the founder and CEO of Waystar Royco, Logan has built an empire over several decades and has no intention of letting it crumble under his watch. He will do whatever it takes to maintain his position, even if it means going against his own family or sacrificing personal relationships.
Despite his many flaws, Logan Roy is a fascinating character to watch. His unwavering confidence and determination are both impressive and terrifying, making him the perfect antihero for the show. And as “Succession” continues to delve deeper into the dynamics of the Roy family and their business empire, it’s clear that Logan will remain a central figure, reminding us time and time again that he is above whatever we think he should do.