Bonnie Wright, known for her role as Ginny Weasley in the Harry Potter franchise, has announced that she is expecting her first child with her husband, Andrew Lococo. The happy news was shared by Wright through a photo on social media, showcasing her baby bump.
Fans of the actress were quick to offer their congratulations and well wishes to the couple. Wright, who has been married to Lococo since 2021, has kept her personal life relatively private since the end of the Harry Potter series, but this news has brought her back into the spotlight.
The actress, who is now 32 years old, began her acting career at a young age, appearing in various film and television projects before landing the role of Ginny Weasley. She appeared in all eight films in the franchise, which spanned over a decade, and has since worked on other independent films as an actress and director.
While it is unclear at this time how Wright’s pregnancy will affect her work schedule, it is likely that she will take some time off to focus on her growing family. With this exciting news, fans of the actress and the Harry Potter series look forward to seeing what the future holds for Wright and her family.