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The Comedic Gift of Multitalented Actor-Comedian” (54 characters)

Mo’Nique’s Netflix Special Took Years To Get Here. Thankfully, It Was Worth The Wait.

In 2017, Mo’Nique began discussions with Netflix to film a special for the streamer. However, the plans fell through, leaving the comedian feeling disappointed. Nevertheless, Mo’Nique persisted, and her persistence paid off as she was eventually able to release her highly anticipated Netflix standup special, “My Name is Mo’Nique.”

The special not only showcased Mo’Nique’s comedic talent, but it also allowed her to share her story in a way that only she can. In the special, Mo’Nique opened up about her sexuality, something she had not previously discussed publicly. The comedian also spoke about her experiences in the entertainment industry and the obstacles she has faced throughout her career.

Mo’Nique has never been one to shy away from controversy, and her Netflix special was no exception. In the past, she has been vocal about pay disparities and has even called for boycotts of certain networks and streaming services. With her Netflix special, she once again used her platform to shed light on important issues.

Overall, Mo’Nique’s Netflix special was well worth the wait. It not only showcased her comedic talents, but it also allowed her to share her story authentically with her fans. In a world where people are often criticized for being their true selves, Mo’Nique’s courage to be unapologetically herself is a breath of fresh air.

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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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