
The Horror Directors’ Overindulgent Follow-Ups

The Horror Directors’ Overindulgent Follow-Ups

Ari Aster, the director of the critically acclaimed horror films Hereditary and Midsommar, has recently released his new short film titled “Beau Is Afraid”. Many reviews have compared Aster’s latest work with that of Jordan Peele, who also faced a similar problem with his horror films.

Both Aster and Peele established themselves in the horror genre with their innovative, unique perspectives. They brought a refreshing take to the genre that had become predictable and formulaic. Peele’s Get Out and Aster’s Hereditary are both masterpieces of horror that leave a lasting impact on the viewer. However, their later works, including Peele’s Us and Aster’s Midsommar, have not received as much critical acclaim or audience appreciation.

Aster’s “Beau Is Afraid” has been met with mixed reviews, making it akin to Peele’s Us, which similarly divided audiences and critics. While Aster’s short film deals with themes of isolation, loss, and fear, it has been criticized for not delivering on its initial horror premise. Many viewers have found the film unsettling but not truly scary, which has become a common criticism faced by Aster’s recent work.

Similarly, Peele’s Us was highly anticipated but failed to live up to the expectations set by Get Out. While Us deals with a gripping concept and a social commentary on the duality of human nature, it was not as well-received as Peele’s debut film.

Both Aster and Peele have shown their immense talent and creativity in the horror genre, but they need to continue experimenting and push boundaries to create something truly exceptional. As horror fans, we can only hope that these filmmakers continue to challenge themselves and deliver films that leave us gasping for air.

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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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