
Ben Affleck questions Netflix’s assembly line film strategy

Ben Affleck questions Netflix’s assembly line film strategy

Ben Affleck’s Opinion on Netflix’s Movie Making Process

The Assembly Line Approach

In recent news, actor and director Ben Affleck has criticized Netflix’s approach to creating movies. He has called it an “assembly line” where movies are churned out with no emphasis on quality.

While Netflix has been praised for revolutionizing the way we watch movies and television, it seems that Affleck believes that there is a downside to their model.

The Impossible Job

Affleck has called the process of making quality films for Netflix “an impossible job.” It seems that the massive amount of content that Netflix produces each year puts a strain on the creative process and the ability to create high-quality films.

It’s hard to argue with Affleck’s point of view. Many of Netflix’s movies and shows have received mixed reviews, and it’s clear that they prioritize quantity over quality in many cases. While this model may work for some, it seems to be failing on the creative side of things.

A Balance to Be Struck

While it’s apparent that Netflix does put out a lot of content, the question is whether or not it’s worth it. Does the sheer amount of movies and shows make up for the lack of quality?

It’s important to remember that not every movie or show needs to be a masterpiece. Sometimes, people just want to unwind and watch something silly or mindless. However, it’s also important to remember that quality films and shows can be just as entertaining and are often more memorable.

The Future of Netflix and Quality Films

Will Netflix continue to prioritize quantity over quality? Only time will tell. However, if they want to continue to succeed and be taken seriously in the world of film, they need to strike a balance between the two.

As viewers, we can also do our part by supporting quality films and shows. It’s not enough to just complain about the lack of quality on Netflix. We need to actively seek out and watch films and shows that are well-made and thought-provoking.

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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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