
Brian Cox Nominated for Lead Actor Drama in ‘Succession’ Despite Limited Screen Time – Variety

Brian Cox Nominated for Lead Actor Drama in ‘Succession’ Despite Limited Screen Time – Variety

Brian Cox in Succession: A Limited but Memorable Role

A Brief Overview of the Show

Succession is a drama series that chronicles the lives of the Roy family, who are wealthy media moguls. Brian Cox portrays Logan Roy, the patriarch of the family, in the critically acclaimed show. Cox has been praised for his performance, which has earned him multiple nominations and awards.

Cox’s Role in the Show

Although Brian Cox’s role in Succession is limited, his presence is felt throughout the entire series. Logan Roy is a complex character, and Cox portrays him with the perfect amount of gravitas and charisma. He is the driving force behind the show’s central conflict, as he tries to maintain control of his media empire while dealing with family squabbles and personal problems.

The Importance of Screen Time

It’s no secret that screen time plays a significant role in determining an actor’s chances of winning an award. However, Cox’s limited screen time should not be seen as a disadvantage. In fact, it’s a testament to his talent that he can make such a lasting impression with only a few appearances per episode.

The Emmy Submissions

Despite his limited screen time, Brian Cox has submitted for Lead Actor Drama for his portrayal of Logan Roy in Succession. This demonstrates his confidence in his performance and his recognition of the importance of the character in the show’s plot. While it remains to be seen whether or not he will win the award, Cox’s presence in the nominations is well-deserved.


Brian Cox’s portrayal of Logan Roy in Succession is a masterful performance that has captivated audiences and critics alike. His limited screen time is a testament to his talent, and his Emmy submission speaks to his confidence in his abilities. Whether or not he wins the award, one thing is for sure – Brian Cox’s role in Succession is one that will be remembered for years to come.

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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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