
Jesse Watters under fire for alleged racial profiling of immigrants – Fox News and Daily Mail

Jesse Watters under fire for alleged racial profiling of immigrants – Fox News and Daily Mail

Jesse Watters slammed for saying he ‘can tell’ who is an ‘illegal immigrant’ just by looking at them – Daily Mail


Jesse Watters, a well-known Fox News personality, has recently come under fire for making a controversial statement about illegal immigrants. During one of his segments on the network, Watters claimed that he could easily identify who was an illegal immigrant just by looking at them. This statement has sparked outrage among many individuals and organizations, who claim that Watters’ comments are both offensive and inaccurate.

The Controversy

Since Jesse Watters made his controversial statement, numerous individuals and organizations have spoken out against him, criticizing both his words and his position as a public figure. Several civil rights groups, in particular, have slammed Watters for his comments, arguing that they perpetuate harmful stereotypes and contribute to a climate of prejudice and discrimination.

A Response from Jesse Watters

Despite the backlash he has received, Jesse Watters has not backed down from his comments. In a statement released after the controversy arose, Watters argued that he was simply speaking from his own experience and that he did not intend to cause offense or promote harmful stereotypes. However, many people have criticized Watters’ response, arguing that it was dismissive and failed to address the underlying issues at play.

The Broader Context

Although Jesse Watters’ statement has certainly been controversial, it is also reflective of broader debates around immigration and nationality that have taken place in recent years. These debates have often been polarizing and divisive, pitting different groups against one another and contributing to a sense of anxiety and insecurity among many individuals.


In conclusion, Jesse Watters’ statement about being able to identify illegal immigrants just by looking at them has sparked widespread controversy and criticism. Although Watters has defended his comments on several occasions, many people argue that they perpetuate harmful stereotypes and contribute to a climate of prejudice and discrimination. As discussions around immigration and nationality continue to take place, it is essential that we approach these issues with sensitivity, compassion, and understanding.

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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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