
Revamp Your Vacay for Eco: Tips & Hacks

Revamp Your Vacay for Eco: Tips & Hacks

As we become more conscious of our impact on the environment, it’s important to remember that our daily choices, including travel, can have a significant effect on our carbon footprint. Here are ten travel mistakes to avoid in order to reduce our impact on the planet.

1. Not choosing a direct flight: Each takeoff and landing releases a large amount of carbon dioxide. Choosing a direct flight can significantly reduce these emissions.

2. Not using public transportation: Opting for public transportation or biking/walking can further decrease your carbon footprint.

3. Overpacking: Packing light not only saves space and makes travel easier, it also reduces emissions from the weight our transportation must carry.

4. Purchasing single-use items: Bringing your own reusable water bottle or coffee cup not only saves money, but also reduces the amount of waste in landfills and minimizes the need for new production.

5. Choosing less environmentally-friendly transportation: Opt for public transportation, train or bus instead of a personal vehicle or airplane whenever possible.

6. Not using eco-friendly accommodations: Consider staying at eco-friendly hotels and accommodations rather than those with unsustainable practices.

7. Not researching local customs and traditions: By learning about local customs and traditions, one can avoid unintentionally harming the environment with unsuspected behavior.

8. Choosing popular tourist destinations: Crowded tourist destinations generate significant amounts of CO2 emissions. Consider exploring rural or less popular locations.

9. Not offsetting your emissions: Many airlines and travel operators offer options to carbon offset your travel to help neutralize the CO2 emissions you generate.

10. Not supporting local businesses: Buying locally not only benefits the regional economy, but also reduces emissions from transportation costs.

By avoiding these ten travel mistakes, we can work towards a lower carbon footprint when exploring new destinations. Let’s do our part to make travel more sustainable and protect the environment for future generations.

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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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