
Who is Responsible for Cleaning Up Children’s Mess on Flights? Flight Attendants Weigh In

Who is Responsible for Cleaning Up Children’s Mess on Flights? Flight Attendants Weigh In


Travelling with kids can be challenging, especially when it comes to hygiene and cleanliness. With limited space and facilities, it’s not uncommon for children to make a mess on airplanes. The question is, who should clean up after them? Parents or flight attendants? In this article, we’ll see what flight attendants have to say about this topic.

Should Parents Be Responsible For Cleaning Up After Their Kids?

The general consensus among flight attendants is that parents should take responsibility for their children’s messes on airplanes. According to a survey conducted by Cheapflights, 80% of flight attendants agree that parents should clean up after their kids. They argue that it’s not fair to expect flight attendants to do the job, as they have many other duties to attend to during flights.

Furthermore, parents have a duty of care for their children, and part of that responsibility is ensuring that they don’t disrupt other passengers. This includes cleaning up after them and disposing of any waste and messes in the proper manner. Parents should also bring wipes, tissues, and other cleaning supplies to make the process easier and more efficient.

What Are The Challenges For Flight Attendants?

While flight attendants understand the challenges of travelling with children, they also face many challenges when it comes to cleaning up after them. Firstly, they have limited time and resources to do the job properly. With short turnaround times between flights, they often have to rush to clean up before the next group of passengers board.

Additionally, flight attendants are not trained or equipped to deal with hazardous materials, such as bodily fluids and waste. These substances require specialized cleaning products and protocols to ensure that they are safely disposed of. It’s not fair to expect flight attendants to handle such situations, as they can put their health at risk and create an unpleasant experience for other passengers.


In conclusion, parents should take responsibility for cleaning up after their kids on airplanes. This not only ensures that children learn about cleanliness and responsibility but also reduces the burden on flight attendants and creates a more pleasant experience for all passengers. However, flight attendants can still offer assistance and guidance to parents who may be struggling to handle their kids’ messes, and should do so with empathy and understanding.

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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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