
Tipping Etiquette for Food Delivery Apps: How to Tip During Extreme Weather

Tipping Etiquette for Food Delivery Apps: How to Tip During Extreme Weather

Introduction: The Basics of Tipping

Food delivery has become a life-saver for those who prefer to have their meals delivered right at their doorstep, those who are too busy to cook, or those who simply want to enjoy a hassle-free dining experience at home. However, not many people are aware of the right tipping etiquette when using these convenient services, particularly during extreme weather conditions. This article aims to shed light on the recommended tipping practices for food delivery during these situations.

Why Tipping is Even More Important in Bad Weather

Imagine running around, slipping and sliding, battling through rain, snow or wind just to deliver a hot meal to someone’s door. That’s how courageous and dedicated our food delivery drivers are. Every time they venture out into bad weather, they’re putting their own safety at risk just to make sure we can enjoy a warm meal. This is why it’s crucial that we tip them more generously than we would on a clear day.

Acknowledging the Delivery Driver’s Challenge

Now, you might say that food delivery drivers are just doing their job, and while that’s true, it’s also worth mentioning that extreme weather conditions present unique challenges. They have to brave slippery or flooded roads, decreased visibility, and freezing temperatures which all can add up to a difficult and often dangerous working day.

The Recommend Tipping Rate for Bad Weather

It’s a common practice to tip anywhere from 15% to 20% on food delivery during regular weather conditions. However, as per Menufy, the suggestion is to tip 20% or more when conditions are not ideal. So, if you’re ordering your favorite pizza during a snowstorm, you might want to think about literally giving a bigger chunk of your pizza budget to your delivery driver.

Minimum Delivery Tip

That said, likewise, if you’re ordering a smaller meal, remember that a $2 tip might seem adequate, but the challenge of bad weather doesn’t change with the price of your order. Consider giving a bit more. Remember, your delivery person is out there slipping around in the elements for a few extra bucks, as Bravo TV’s post points out.

Tipping on Food Delivery Apps

The advent of food delivery apps has made it easier to order food and equally easier to tip. UberEats, Grubhub, and DoorDash have a tipping feature built into their platforms. You’re under no obligation to tip the delivery personnel but it’s a nice gesture to show appreciation for their service, especially during extreme weather.

In Summary: A Little Extra during Bad Weather

To sum it all up, the next time you’re snug at home, craving takeout during a hurricane or blizzard, bear in mind the effort and risk involved in getting your food to you. Bumping up your usual tip to 20% or more goes a long way in showing your gratitude and will certainly make your delivery driver’s day a little brighter, no matter the weather.

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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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