
Dolly Parton Reveals Wig Secrets and Husband’s Disapproval

Dolly Parton Reveals Wig Secrets and Husband’s Disapproval

Diving into the World of Dolly Parton’s Iconic Wigs

Let’s face it. When we think of Dolly Parton, one of the first things that come to mind is her incredible wigs. Honestly speaking, these wigs have quite an iconic status, much like the legendary country singer herself. Furthermore, they’ve been a significant symbol of her ubiquitous persona for decades, so much so, we couldn’t imagine Dolly without them.

Recently, Parton opened up about her love for wigs and shared some surprising insights about her husband’s preferences, hinting at a particular hairstyle he’s not too fond of. So, let’s buckle up and dive into the fascinating world of Dolly Parton’s wigs!

Why Dolly Parton Loves her Wigs

First and foremost, Dolly Parton adores her wigs because they save her a lot of time. Instead of spending hours styling her hair each day, she pops on a pre-styled wig in a matter of minutes. Consequently, they are both a practical and stylish solution for her.

In addition, the wigs are a symbol of her stage persona. On stage, Parton is known for her flamboyant and colourful style, and her wigs are a big part of that image. She shared in an interview that without them, she feels a bit bare and incomplete.

The Hairstyle Her Husband Isn’t Quite Fond Of

Now you might be wondering, what could possibly be the hairstyle that Parton’s husband, Carl Dean, doesn’t like? Believe it or not, it’s one of her most iconic ones. The “I Will Always Love You” singer mentioned this during an exclusive chat, revealing that Dean isn’t a fan of the high-volume hairdos.

This came as quite a surprise, seeing that those high-volume hairstyles are often associated with her glamorous persona. However, Parton conveyed that when she’s home, she usually prefers to wear her hair in a simple ponytail or down, and that’s the way Dean likes it.

Beholding the Beauty in Simplistic Styles

Noticing a trend here? It appears that when it comes to hairstyles, Dean prefers the simpler side of things. So much so, that he enjoys seeing Dolly out of her wigs altogether. Perhaps it’s because it reflects the dichotomy between the larger-than-life figure the world sees, and the down-to-earth wife he has at home.

Embracing it All

Final thoughts? Like with everything else, Parton takes these preferences in her stride. Whether it’s on a red carpet or at home, she’s embraced every part of her image, wigs and all, and we love her for it. Moreover, showing her flexibility in style from her flamboyant wigs to simpler hairdos only reinforces how fabulous she is, with or without her wigs. Ultimately, it’s her vibrant personality that truly leaves a mark, and no hairstyle can overshadow it.

Long Live the Queen of Country

So, here’s to Dolly Parton, as much of a style chameleon as she is a music legend. She has made a simple accessory such as a wig become synonymous with her brand, and won our hearts with her authenticity and spirit as well. Dean’s preferences aside, the world will always be ready to embrace Dolly, wigs, high-volume hairdos and all!


  1. Overall, Dolly’s wigs are not only a signature part of her look, but they also hold sentimental value. This just goes to show how much these wigs have become intertwined with her identity and career. And let’s be real, no one can rock a wig quite like Dolly Parton!

    With her signature big hair and vibrant personality, Dolly Parton’s iconic wigs have become synonymous with her identity and career. Not only do they save her time, but they also add to her stage persona and hold a special place in her heart. It’s safe to say that these wigs are an integral part of Dolly’s world and will continue to be for years to come. Long live the wigs of Dolly Parton!

  2. Overall, Dolly Parton’s wigs are a significant part of her identity and image. They save time, complete her look, and have become a symbol of her legendary status. It’s safe to say that without her iconic wigs, Dolly Parton wouldn’t be quite the same dynamic and unforgettable performer that she is today!

    I couldn’t agree more. Dolly Parton’s wigs are truly iconic and it’s fascinating to learn more about her love for them. They have become such an integral part of her image, and it’s clear that they hold a special significance for her. Her wigs really showcase her vibrant and larger-than-life personality, making her performances even more unforgettable.

  3. Overall, it’s clear that Dolly Parton’s iconic wigs are an essential part of her identity, and we can’t imagine her without them. She truly is a queen of wigs and continues to rock them with confidence and style.

    It’s amazing to see how much of an impact Dolly Parton’s wigs have had on both her personal and professional life. They have become a symbol of her unique style and stage persona, and continue to captivate and inspire fans all around the world. It’s no wonder her husband loves her with or without the wigs!



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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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