
Drake’s Actions Disappoint Black Women Recently

Drake’s Actions Disappoint Black Women Recently

Running The Game or‌ Running From​ Responsibility?

Contrary to ⁢pop culture consensus, ‌I have to ‍admit upfront, I’m not a ⁤fan of⁢ Drake. Not⁣ from lack of‍ trying, mind ‍you. Despite ample replay time​ on the radio and ‍the ⁢enthusiastic endorsements ⁢by my friends, his‌ music⁤ has always struck a discordant‍ note with me.⁣ However, this is a personal opinion. Professionally, nobody can deny Drake’s powerful influence in‍ hip hop and‍ the music industry at large.

A History of Letdowns

But it’s not just ‌his music‌ that rubs me the wrong way. Drake’s actions fail to match⁢ up⁤ to the ⁣high praises sung about him. His problematic pattern of behavior, particularly towards black women,⁢ reveals deep-rooted issues that warrant scrutiny.

The ​Serena Williams Situation

For instance, ‍many‌ fans recall the infamous ‍2015 incident, when he was romantically linked with Serena Williams. ⁤After a ‌publicized dinner in Cincinnati, Drake was cheering for the tennis⁢ superstar at her‌ Wimbledon ⁣games, and by all appearances, they seemed​ headed towards a thrilling couple match. Fans ⁣held their breath, ready for a potential power couple that would rival ​Beyoncé and Jay-Z.

Unfortunately, it​ appeared Drake had other plans.‍ As the public eyed the brewing relationship with optimism, he dashed these hopes by dismissing their ⁢relationship in a song lyric stating, ‍”You hit⁢ me like I know you’re there with someone else“. He further insinuated ⁣that ‍Serena was the⁤ one at fault in their ‍non-relationship, subtly⁣ blaming‍ her for their uncertain⁢ status.

Rihanna, and the Pattern ⁢Continues

Surprisingly, it wasn’t just ⁢Serena who was subjected to such ‌treatment. Another high-profile casualty of Drake’s disappointing approach towards love​ and commitment is⁢ Rihanna. Despite the palpable ⁤chemistry between them and ‌the subsequent on-again-off-again⁤ relationship, Drake⁤ never committed fully.

In fact, their relationship was laced with ⁤Drake’s entitled mentality. ‍Despite ‍Rihanna’s explicit desire for no‌ strings‌ attached, Drake’s comments were⁣ never​ respectful of her⁤ wishes. Case in point? His‌ infamous​ 2016 VMAs speech,​ where he openly professed ⁤his love for ⁢Rihanna,⁣ putting her‍ in an awkward ⁢situation in front of a national audience. It’s⁣ telling that ⁤after ​this, their⁣ relationship fizzled out.

The ⁤Underlying Issue

However, the⁤ problem is ​far bigger than just these publicized relationships. This seeps into his music and‍ public conversations. His ⁤songs, undoubtedly catchy​ and popular, often portray women ​in a monolithic and shallow ‌light. This ‍is a tired ‍trope in pop music, one that many‌ artists work ‌successfully to avoid, but Drake seems to relish⁢ in it.

His Music and Metaphors

Instead of empowering black women or ⁤showcasing their⁣ multifaceted brilliance, he seems content⁤ to ​pigeonhole them into the ‌same roles. Too much of his music treats women‌ as washable markers on his way ‍to success – convenient props that can⁢ be used and discarded as per his whims.

His Public Conversations

Similar ⁢issues ‌crop‍ up in ⁢his public conversations. His objectifying comments about‍ Nicki Minaj, for ​example, are more than just cringe-worthy. ‍They are symptomatic⁤ of a larger​ problem.

Conclusion: A Call to Responsibility

The position of influence artists like Drake enjoy allows them to shape culture, perceptions, and social behavior in powerful ‌ways. When this ‌power⁢ is used to undermine or ​devalue⁢ black women, it perpetuates harmful ‍stereotypes which affect real people’s lives.⁤ I believe it’s high time Drake lived up to his responsibility. Instead of using his platform to perpetuate negativity, he should be part ‌of positive change.

It’s not too late. Many celebrities, after facing backlash for problematic behavior, have‌ taken ‌steps to rectify their ⁢actions. My hope is for‌ Drake to do the same.


  1. ⁤ke persistently pursued ‍something ‍serious⁢ with her, only to ‌back⁣ out as soon as things got serious.

    Drake’s actions not only fail to match up to the high praises sung about him, but also reveal a problematic pattern of behavior towards women. From the way he treated Serena Williams to his inconsistent pursuit of Rihanna, it’s clear that Drake is not just “running the game” but also running from responsibility and commitment. His actions warrant scrutiny and should not be admired or excused.

  2. K‌e has been very vocal in his needless struggle to convince her to commit. ‌I ⁢can’t help but ‍wonder‌ if this stems from a‍ deep-seated sense of inadequacy and insecurity, or it’s a mere ploy for ⁢publicity.

    While Drake may be a popular figure in the music industry, his behavior towards women raises important questions about his character and priorities. From the Serena Williams incident to his pursuit of Rihanna, it seems that Drake may prioritize “running the game” over taking responsibility for his actions and treating women with respect. His actions warrant further scrutiny and reflection.

  3. Ke ⁤couldn’t⁤ resist the ⁢challenge and continued ‍to chase her, only to ‍publicly ⁣humiliate her in his⁢ song‍ “Days‍ in the East” where he blatantly rapped about a failed attempt at hooking up with her.

    It’s time for ⁢us‌ to recognize Drake’s ‍actions for what they are- running from‍ responsibility. Instead of ⁢using his platform to ⁢empower women and challenge toxic ⁤masculinity, he ⁢celebrates⁢ it⁤ through his ⁤antics⁤ and undermines any progress towards gender ⁣equality. It’s disappointing to see such‍ a popular and influential ⁢artist continue to perpetuate damaging attitudes and behaviors towards women.

    This article raises important points about the problematic behavior of rapper Drake towards women. It sheds light on his actions and the detrimental impact they have on gender equality, despite his powerful influence in the music industry. It’s a reminder that celebrities should use their platform responsibly and not shy away from taking responsibility for their actions.

  4. Ke’s purported feelings⁢ for her led him to ⁢publicly and‌ artistically show ‌her as⁤ his one true love – only to later ‍dismiss her as a casual fling when‌ she didn’t ⁢conform to his‍ expectations.⁣ It’s a⁢lmost as if‍ Drake‌ sees the women‌he’s involved with ⁢as⁤ disposable, there to boost his ⁢music and ‌ego, but ‌not worthy of his respect or commitment.

    Overall, while Drake may indeed run the game in terms of his influence and success in hip hop, his actions towards women and his pattern of dismissing responsibility and commitment is disappointing. As a public figure, he has a responsibility to hold himself accountable and treat others with respect, and it’s disheartening to see him continuously fail at this. It’s time for Drake to start running towards responsibility instead of running from it.

    This article raises valid points about Drake’s behavior and treatment of women. It’s important for influential individuals to be held accountable for their actions and for Drake to recognize the impact his behavior has on others. Running the game should not come at the expense of running from responsibility and disrespecting women.



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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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