
Jason Aldean Responds to ‘Try That in a Small Town’ Video Criticism

Jason Aldean Responds to ‘Try That in a Small Town’ Video Criticism

Addressing the ‘Try That In A Small Town’ ⁢Controversy

Let’s start by going straight ⁣to the heart of the recent hullabaloo causing waves ‌in the music scene. Surely, you’ve heard about the criticism⁣ surrounding the recent music video. Notably, the hub of all the controversy lies in one small⁢ yet ‍crucial detail -⁤ the location of the music video shoot.

Thus, ​it’s time to take a‍ step back, look at‌ the bigger picture, and delve deeper ⁤into ⁣the subject. Ready? Let’s dive right in.

The Backstory

In the first place,‌ the music video was released, causing an immediate‌ stir in the community.​ Critics ​argue that ⁢the video, asserting strong small-town themes, should have been shot in an actual small town. According to them, this would have added authenticity and‌ depth to the implications of the song.

Moreover, the ⁣video and the​ song’s message itself seem to conflict with the filming location. ⁤However, there’s⁣ another⁢ side to ‍this ⁣story that needs exploration. That’s where Jason Aldean comes in.

Jason⁤ Aldean Weighs In

Rather than being dismissive, Aldean ⁣decides to‌ confront the criticism. Firstly, he acknowledges the criticism. He does not try ‍to downplay it or pretend it doesn’t‍ exist. His tactics are open, a clear testament to his willingness to engage in dialogue with his critics.

Context ‌Matters

Secondly, he explains his reasoning. Part of the‍ controversy stems from the‍ fact that the music​ video was filmed in Nashville, known for being a bustling city rather than a “small town”. Nevertheless, Aldean notes that the song itself wasn’t necessarily meant ‍to be taken‍ literally.

Upon closer inspection, he​ goes on to explain, the ‍song is more about being proud of where you come from, no matter the size of the town, city, or community. Hence, ⁢in this context, the exact filming location isn’t as crucial as the ​overall message.

Quashing ⁤Misinterpretations

Thirdly, Aldean⁤ seeks to quash any misinterpretations. He asserts that the lyrics aim to instill a sense of pride and communal solidarity, ‌not enact a geographic divide. ⁣In⁤ other words, the singer does not‌ intend to make a division between⁣ city ‍dwellers and those from smaller ⁣communities.

Therefore, Aldean’s intention becomes clear.⁤ The purpose was⁤ for the song to resonate with everyone, ‍to serve as a reminder to take pride in their ⁤roots, be ⁣it in a city like Nashville or in a small town tucked away in the countryside.

Moving forward

Consequently, the controversy proves itself to⁢ be a valuable lesson about the importance of context and understanding. Aldean’s reaction should also serve as an ⁢example for anyone in⁢ the artistic ‍field – it shows the power of acknowledging criticisms, addressing them head-on, and clarifying​ one’s intentions earnestly.

In conclusion, the singer’s response to his‍ critics⁣ enables a wider conversation about art and interpretation.​ He reminds us that at the end of the day, it’s all about the‍ underlying‍ message, the emotions stirred, ⁢and⁢ the communities built. Above all, it’s ‌a call⁢ to unite in enjoying the music, rather than‌ focusing on divisive interpretations.


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    Furthermore, Aldean addresses the fact that ‌he personally did not choose the location for the music video shoot. Instead, it was a decision made by the music video director and production team. He also emphasizes that the song is not just about small towns, but about the struggle and perseverance of all people, no matter where they come from.

    My Take

    In my opinion,‍ the controversy surrounding the music video’s location is being blown out of proportion. While it would have been more impactful to film in a small town, the message of the song remains the same regardless of the location. Jason Aldean handled the criticism with grace and honesty, showing his dedication to his fans and his art. Ultimately, the most important thing is the message and meaning behind the song, which should not be overshadowed by the filming location.

    The controversy surrounding the music video’s location may be causing a stir, but it’s important to consider the bigger picture. Jason Aldean’s response to the criticism shows his willingness to engage in dialogue and his dedication to the song’s message. While filming in a small town may have added authenticity, the meaning behind the song should not be overshadowed.

  2. />

    This comment acknowledges the controversy surrounding the location of a music video and encourages readers to look at both sides of the issue. It also highlights Jason Aldean’s approach to addressing the criticism with openness and willingness to engage in dialogue.



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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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