
17 American Phrases That Irritate Non-Americans

17 American Phrases That Irritate Non-Americans

Subject: The Economist Style Guide

The Importance of Writing Style

When it comes to writing, the style you use can make a huge difference in how your writing is perceived by your audience. The Economist Style Guide is a great resource for anyone who wants to improve their writing style, whether you are a professional writer, a student, or just someone who wants to write better emails.

Avoid Stuffy Writing

One of the key takeaways from The Economist Style Guide is the importance of avoiding stuffy writing. The guide encourages writers to aim for a genuine, familiar, or truly English style of writing that is easy to read and understand. This means using plain language and avoiding jargon or overly complex sentences.

Be Concise

Another important tip in The Economist Style Guide is to be concise in your writing. In today’s world, where people are bombarded with information from all sides, it’s more important than ever to get your message across quickly and clearly. The guide recommends using short sentences and avoiding unnecessary words or phrases.


Improving your writing style can be a lifelong pursuit, but The Economist Style Guide offers a great starting point for anyone who is looking to improve their writing. By avoiding stuffy writing, being concise, and following the other tips in the guide, you can become a better writer and make your writing more engaging and meaningful to your audience.

Subject: American Sayings

Common American Sayings That Non-Americans Dislike

American English has its own unique vocabulary, and many of the phrases that Americans use on a daily basis can be confusing or irritating to non-native speakers. Here are 10 examples of common American sayings that non-Americans might not appreciate:

“How are you doing?”

In the U.S., it’s common to greet someone by asking “How are you doing?” or “How’s it going?” Even if you’re not really interested in hearing the other person’s answer, it’s considered polite to ask. However, non-Americans might find this overly familiar or invasive.

“Have a nice day!”

Another common American saying is “Have a nice day!” Americans often use this phrase as a friendly gesture, but non-Americans might find it insincere or over-the-top.

“I’m good.”

Instead of saying “I’m fine,” Americans often say “I’m good” when someone asks how they are. Some non-Americans might find this grammatically incorrect or overly casual.

“Bless your heart.”

In some parts of the U.S., people say “Bless your heart” as a way of expressing sympathy or concern. In other parts of the world, however, the phrase might be interpreted as patronizing or condescending.

“You do the math.”

This expression is often used when someone wants to emphasize a point and suggest that the other person should be able to figure out the answer on their own. Non-Americans might find it rude or dismissive.


Americans use the word “awesome” to describe many things that they find impressive or exciting, but non-Americans might find the word overused or exaggerated.

“That sucks.”

Another American phrase that might be offensive to non-Americans is “That sucks,” which is often used to express disappointment or frustration. Some non-Americans might find the phrase vulgar or inappropriate.

“No worries”

Americans often use the phrase “No worries” to reassure someone that everything is okay or to apologize for a mistake. Non-Americans might find the phrase unnecessary or confusing.

“My bad.”

This phrase is often used to apologize for a mistake, but non-Americans might find it overly casual or flippant.

“Can I get a refill?”

In the U.S., it’s common to ask for a refill on your drink at a restaurant or café. Non-Americans might find this impolite or presumptuous.


While many Americans might find these sayings harmless or even endearing, it’s important to be aware that not everyone will appreciate them. As a traveler or international communicator, it’s important to be mindful of cultural differences and to be respectful of other people’s values and perspectives.

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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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