
Nataki Garrett Resigns from Oregon Shakespeare Festival Leadership Role

Nataki Garrett Resigns from Oregon Shakespeare Festival Leadership Role

What’s Happening at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival?

OSF Initiates $2.5 Million Fundraising Campaign to Save the Season

The Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF) has faced significant financial hurdles due to the pandemic, and the organization has found itself in urgent need of funds to maintain operations. In response to this, on April 11th, 2023 OSF announced an emergency fundraising campaign aiming to raise $2.5 million.

OSF plays an essential role in keeping theater, arts, and culture alive in the Pacific Northwest, and the campaign aims to save the season and the Festival, ensuring that the organization can continue fulfilling its mission. This ambitious effort is named “Save Our Season, Save OSF.”

The $2.5 million fundraising campaign will enable OSF to create new works, sustain the organization’s employees, and continue producing high-quality performances.

Nataki Garrett Resignation

Amid the fundraising campaign and the pandemic, Nataki Garret, the Artistic Director of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, announced her resignation. At this moment, OSF has not announced who will take over Garret’s position.

What’s next for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival?

There is much uncertainty about the future of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival at the moment. However, the OSF Board of Directors has emphasized the importance of the fundraising campaign, and they, along with all of the Festival’s supporters and patrons, have high hopes for the success of the campaign.

The OSF has been a crucial force in the theater industry for over eight decades. They have a long history of producing exceptional shows, and their productions’ sheer variety and quality have made them one of the most revered theater organizations in the world.

We hope that the emergency fundraising campaign is successful and that the OSF continues to thrive for many years to come.

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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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