
Prince Harry’s Relegation from Coronation Front Row: Deliberate or Awkward? – Daily Mail Royals

Prince Harry’s Relegation from Coronation Front Row: Deliberate or Awkward? – Daily Mail Royals

Prince Harry’s Relegation from Coronation Front Row: A Royal Controversy


Prince Harry’s absence from the front row during King Charles’ coronation ceremony sparked controversy and speculation among royal fans and media outlets. The ceremony was held at Westminster Abbey on May 6, 2023, and was attended by members of the royal family, dignitaries, and other guests.

What Happened

The Daily Mail reported that Prince Harry, who was seated behind Princess Anne, was not placed in the front row with his brother Prince William and other senior royals. This prompted fans to question whether his relegation was deliberate and intentional.

The Conspiracy Theory

The Mirror reported that some royal fans have started circulating a conspiracy theory that the palace deliberately hid Prince Harry behind Princess Anne’s hat and placed him in the second row to avoid any awkward encounters with his brother and other family members.

The Palace’s Response

The palace has not commented on the controversy or the conspiracy theory. However, a source close to the royal family stated that the seating arrangements were made based on a protocol that takes into account the order of precedence and the status of each member of the family.

The Implications

The controversy surrounding Prince Harry’s relegation from the front row highlights the ongoing tension and complicated relationships within the royal family. Some fans and analysts believe that this is a sign of a rift between Prince Harry and his brother, while others argue that it is simply a matter of protocol and hierarchy.


Whether Prince Harry’s relegation from the front row of King Charles’ coronation ceremony was intentional or not, it has certainly sparked controversy and raised questions about the dynamics of the royal family. As the family continues to navigate through challenging times and changing relationships, it remains to be seen how this situation will affect the future of the monarchy and its members.

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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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