
Princess Anne’s red feather hat steals the show, blocking Prince Harry’s face at King Charles III’s coronation – GBNews

Princess Anne’s red feather hat steals the show, blocking Prince Harry’s face at King Charles III’s coronation – GBNews

Prince Harry’s View Blocked During King Charles’ Coronation


Prince Harry’s attendance at his father’s coronation was highly anticipated by the media and the public. However, his experience at the event was marred by an unexpected blockade of his view by his aunt, Princess Anne. Here’s everything you need to know about the incident.

The Incident

During the coronation ceremony, Prince Harry was seated behind his uncle Prince Edward and his aunt Princess Anne. While the cameras captured Prince Harry solemnly observing the ceremony, it became apparent that he had a restricted view of his father being crowned as King.

It was then revealed that Princess Anne had positioned herself and her hat in a way that blocked Prince Harry’s view of the proceedings. Photos of the incident went viral on social media, with many sympathizing with the Duke of Sussex’s plight.

The Aftermath

Many speculated that Princess Anne may have intentionally blocked Prince Harry’s view to prevent him from stealing the spotlight or overshadowing the newly crowned King Charles. Others believed it was just a mere accident.

Regardless of the intention, the incident had left many wondering about the state of Prince Harry’s relationship with his immediate family after the highly publicized interview with Oprah Winfrey.


The incident at King Charles’ coronation left many wondering about the relationship between Prince Harry and his family. While the intention behind Princess Anne’s actions is still unclear, it’s clear that Prince Harry’s attendance at the ceremony wasn’t smooth sailing. Nevertheless, the Duke of Sussex handled the situation with poise and didn’t let the incident overshadow his father’s momentous occasion.

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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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