
Reported Royal Feud: Kate Middleton’s Alleged Refusal to Curtsy to Queen Camilla at King Charles’ Coronation

Reported Royal Feud: Kate Middleton’s Alleged Refusal to Curtsy to Queen Camilla at King Charles’ Coronation

When Kate Middleton Refused to Curtsy to Queen Camilla at Coronation

The Coronation of Queen Camilla

In the year 2023, Queen Camilla was finally crowned as the new queen of the United Kingdom after the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. It was a day full of pomp and circumstance, with guests from all over the world attending the grand event. One of the most highly anticipated moments of the coronation happened when the royals came together to take part in the traditional curtsy and greeting.

The Refusal to Curtsy

As the Queen Consort, Camilla had a particular rank in the royal family and was deserving of the traditional curtsy from her fellow family members. When it was Kate Middleton’s turn to curtsy, however, she refused to do so, leaving many people stunned and surprised.

Understanding Kate’s Actions

While many people may have taken Kate’s refusal to curtsy as a sign of disrespect, the truth is that there was more to her actions than meets the eye. According to sources close to the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate was livid at the thought of having to curtsy to a woman who, in her opinion, had no right to be queen.

There was a long-standing feud between Camilla and Kate, with the latter feeling that the former had broken up her happy home. Camilla, who was once known as the other woman in Prince Charles’ marriage to Princess Diana, was still an unpopular figure among many royal fans and some of the family members themselves.

The Impact on the Royal Family

Kate’s refusal to curtsy caused a stir in the media and among royal watchers. It was a sign that the relationships between some members of the royal family were not as cordial as they seemed. Many people hoped that the coronation would be a moment of healing for the family, but instead, it only served to highlight the underlying issues that existed.

As for Kate and Camilla, the two women had a strained relationship that seemed to continue long after the coronation was over. It was a reminder that, even with all their titles and wealth, the royal family was not immune to the emotions and tensions that often exist within any family.

The Aftermath

While Kate’s refusal to curtsy made headlines around the world, it ultimately did not have a significant impact on the monarchy. The coronation of Queen Camilla went according to plan, and life in the royal family went on as usual.

It was a reminder, however, that the royal family was not immune to controversy and conflict. It was also a reminder of the power players and a not-so-subtle reminder of the often-complicated relationships between those in the royal family.

As Kate and Camilla went their separate ways after the coronation, it was clear that there was no love lost between the two women. How this would impact their future relationship, and the rest of the royal family, remained to be seen.

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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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