
Uncover Savings: Benefits of Banning Junk Fees Explained

Uncover Savings: Benefits of Banning Junk Fees Explained

The Potential Savings: Bidding Adieu to ‌Junk Fees

To start with, what exactly are junk fees?​ Lurking in the fine print of many ⁢service agreements,​ these are obscure, often unexpected, and mostly unavoidable fees that companies tack on to​ your bills. Typically, you’ll see these expenses⁤ manifest in financial institutions,‍ telecommunications, and in the airline ⁣industry. They‌ tend‌ to be for things like ‘administrative‍ fees,’ ‘documentation fees,’ or ‘processing fees.’‌

Let’s imagine what our wallets would start to look like if these junk fees were no longer part of⁢ our daily expenses.‍ It’s a worthwhile thought​ experiment because legislators have recently shown interest in banning, or at⁤ least looking into controlling, these frustrating additional charges. With that being said, let’s‍ dive‌ into just how much ‌these disgraced fees could save you!

Savings ⁣on Financial Transactions

Firstly, one⁣ of the most prominent sectors where ​junk fees are prevalent is among financial institutions. Concealed within ⁣mortgage ⁤deals,‌ credit card billings,‌ payday⁣ loans, and⁤ even⁣ investment⁤ portfolios, these extra personalized charges can be irksome. For instance, ⁢banks can charge ‘account service fees’ seemingly just​ for maintaining your money, or the ever remote ‘teller fees’ simply because you interacted ⁤with a human.

So just how much could you save here? The answer is – quite a bit. ​It’s reported‍ that in extreme cases, ‌junk fees can add up to thousands over the life of a mortgage, or hundreds over the course of a year for credit ⁤card users. While ⁤figures will, of course, vary depending‌ on the financial institution ⁢and the⁢ consumer’s habits, there’s no doubt that eliminating these fees would result in hefty savings.

Tackling the⁢ Airline Industry

Importantly, ⁢the​ flying industry is another sector notorious ⁤for its⁢ multiple and varied junk fees. These costs can include anything from⁤ baggage fees, priority boarding charges, seat selection fees, and even fees for in-flight services. Passengers fall‍ prey to this​ scheme as most don’t realize the actual costs until it is too ⁤late. Not ‍to ⁣mention, the inconvenience and‌ frustration⁢ caused​ by these⁤ unexpected charges.

This anticipated change would‌ mean significant‌ savings for ‍regular travelers. Let’s consider this, if an airline charges $25 ‍for each checked⁣ bag,⁣ a passenger traveling twice a month ⁣will save ‌at least $600 a year if these junk‌ fees get kicked to the curb. Savings⁤ could rack ​up into the thousands for frequent flyers.

The Telecommunications ‍and Cable ​Giants

Finally, consider the telecommunications and⁤ cable companies ​notorious for their hidden fees. Odds are ⁢you’ve seen strange charges in your monthly statements. Essentially, you⁣ might be paying ‘broadcast TV fees,’ ‘regional​ sports ⁤fees,’ ‘HD technology fees,’ bills on top of bills that you ​never anticipated. These fees tend to‍ be ‍small, but‌ they are‌ consistent, and over time they add rather significantly to your bills.

If lawmakers ⁣decide⁤ to abolish these junk fees, cable subscribers could see savings ranging from⁢ $100 – $200 per year, which means this small but relentless⁢ expense‌ can finally cease making a noticeable dent in our budgets.


In conclusion, the elimination of⁤ junk fees⁤ is a hopeful​ prospect. The potential⁢ savings⁤ for consumers are immense. Not only ⁣does it present a promising ‍future for our wallets,​ but the transparency in pricing could also lead to a stronger and more⁤ trusting relationship between consumers and companies. After all, in the words of Voltaire – “In general,⁤ the art of ‌government consists of taking ‍as ​much money as possible from ​one party of the citizens to give to ‍the other.”


  1. ‌ees.‍‌ These fees,‌ ranging⁢ from baggage⁢ fees, to seat selection fees, to⁢ flight change fees, can often exceed the⁤ cost⁢ of‍⁤ the⁢ ticket itself.‍ In fact, in⁢ 2019, airlines⁤ in the United States ⁢made over $5 billion in baggage fees alone.

    This article brings awareness to the issue of junk fees and the potential savings that could be achieved if they were eliminated or regulated. It highlights the annoying and often hidden nature of these fees in various industries such as finance and air travel, and the significant impact they can have on one’s expenses. It also mentions efforts being made to address this issue, making it a timely and relevant topic.

  2. Ees. From baggage fees ⁤to⁢ seat selection fees, and even fees for printing your boarding passes at the airport, it often feels like airlines are trying to nickel and dime customers at every turn. While some of these fees may seem small, they can quickly add up, especially for frequent travelers. Eliminating these junk fees could potentially result in significant savings for travelers.

    This article sheds light on the hidden costs that customers face through the prevalence of junk fees in various industries. It also highlights the potential savings that can be achieved if these fees were eliminated, making it a worthwhile thought experiment for readers. With the recent interest in controlling these fees, it is an important topic to bring attention to. Overall, this article serves as a helpful reminder to always read the fine print and be aware of these hidden charges.



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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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