
Avoid Getting Scammed: Tips on Spotting Vacation Rental Frauds

Avoid Getting Scammed: Tips on Spotting Vacation Rental Frauds


You’ve been eagerly planning your vacation and found the perfect rental property. However, before handing over your hard-earned money, it’s essential to make sure you avoid vacation rental scams. Travel scams are becoming more prevalent, and scammers are becoming more sophisticated. You may think you are taking all the necessary measures, but there might still be some clues that you are dealing with scammers. So, how do you spot a vacation rental scam?

Key tips to spot a vacation rental scam:

TIP 1: Be Careful with Deals too Good to be True

If you find a vacation rental property much cheaper than the others, be careful. Scammers often use these tactics to attract victims. It’s essential to do thorough research on the market price for the type of vacation rental property you want. If you come across a property that’s significantly cheaper than the others, double-check the owner’s legitimacy.

TIP 2: Always Check Out the Property in Person or Virtually

Don’t trust the description and pictures you see online. Scammers can easily copy and paste pictures and descriptions to lure victims. To spot a vacation rental scam, you must verify the rental property physically or virtually. If the rental property owner is hesitant to allow you to inspect the property virtually or physically, it’s a red flag that they may be a scammer.

TIP 3: Talk with the Owner by Phone or Video Call

Schedule a phone or video call with the rental property owner. Scammers often use communication via text or email because it’s much easier to avoid revealing their identity and get away with their deceptions. A phone or video call will enable you to ask questions you have about the rental property and confirm the owner’s legitimacy from their voice or face.

TIP 4: Avoid Suspicious Payment Methods

Scammers avoid traditional payment methods because they can be traced back to them. If the rental property owner suggests an odd payment method, such as wiring money, prepaid debit cards, or a cash-only payment, it’s a red flag. Legitimate rental property owners usually accept payment through credit cards or Paypal for your protection.

TIP 5: Conduct Thorough Research

You should consider browsing the Internet to learn more about rental properties scam trends in the area you plan to visit. Furthermore, you can check out the reviews and ratings of the vacation rental property. You should also look up the address of the rental property to verify its existence if it’s a physical location.

TIP 6: Check with Trusted Sources

If you are unsure about any aspect of renting a vacation rental property, consider consulting a travel agent, the Better Business Bureau, or reviews on trusted websites such as TripAdvisor, Yelp, or Google.

TIP 7: Alert Your Bank

If you believe you have encountered a vacation rental scam or have paid a scammer, alert your bank immediately. The faster you address the issue, the less damage will be done.


Scammers’ tactics are becoming more sophisticated and numerous as technology advances. However, with the right knowledge, you can spot a vacation rental scam and avoid falling into the trap of these fraudulent people. Always be cautious, do your research, and follow the tips provided in this article. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

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Written by Dustin Gandof

Dustin Gandof is a writer for BeGitty, a website about news and entertainment. He is interested in a lot of things including the production of music. In college, he studied at North Carolina State University.

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